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Alison Perfater: The Holy Spirit has interceded for us Alison Perfater, Asbury student body president, on the Official Eugene emeralds exploding whales T-shirt and I will buy this Asbury University Revival and the meaning behind it on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight,’ NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Listen to this article 0:00 / 5:09 1X BeyondWords “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working”–Jesus (John 5:17). I have been thrilled to see the Asbury University revival spark chatter on a national level in the last week–even NBC News and The Washington Post have done write-ups about this phenomenon. While many Christians, like myself, are overjoyed and inspired by the events taking place at this small college in Kentucky, it is not lost on me that it has also stirred skepticism among non-believers and even many Christians. As someone whose capacity to accept and embrace the supernatural has grown gradually over time, I understand those people who are on the fence– who want to believe what’s happening at Asbury is real, but who have never experienced something like it firsthand and therefore can’t fully get their head around it. CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY IN KENTUCKY DRAWS PILGRIMS NATIONWIDE AMID SPIRITUAL REVIVAL: ‘GIVES ME SO MUCH HOPE’ My prayer is that all Christians, whether on the fence or not, will open their minds and hearts to these spiritual realities and pray for more revivals like this to ignite across the country, so that each of us might have an opportunity to see what they’re all about firsthand. After all, some aspects of the Holy Spirit really do come down to how we experience Him on a

Official Eugene emeralds exploding whales T-shirt

personal level. People constantly quote that “God works in mysterious ways,” but I’m not convinced we as the Official Eugene emeralds exploding whales T-shirt and I will buy this Body of Christ have collectively accepted this as a fact, especially when it comes to the Holy Spirit. Video I often think about the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was first gifted to Jesus’s disciples. While they were consumed by tongues of fire and speaking in different languages, certain members of the crowd outside laughed and accused them of being drunk. As believers, our response to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit might not be as brash as this example, but I think it’s fair to say that many of us have shied away from the very things that occupied the majority of Jesus’s earthly ministry such as healing the sick, and especially the casting out of demons. I will be the first person to admit that the thought of casting out a demon makes me extremely uncomfortable–but Jesus did it and He commissioned His disciples to do the same through the Holy Spirit, so, realistically, why shouldn’t I believe He would want His modern-day Church to embrace the spiritual authority He bestowed upon us? I’VE BEEN TO #ASBURYREVIVAL. IT’S REAL AND SPREADING. THIS IS WHAT I SAW These gaps in our faith as “believers” are the very reason we need revivals like the one taking place at Asbury University. The brokenness in our society is beyond repair on a strictly human level. We need God more than ever to intervene in ways only He can. Students participate in a chapel service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, which has seen worshipers pouring in nationwide. (Asbury University) I’ve seen testimonies of people who have been amazed and mystified by things they’ve witnessed in the past week at Asbury–and while God will always do more than we could ever hope or imagine (Eph 3:20)–part of me longs for a day where the majority of Christians will see God’s direct actions in our world today

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